Frontera Digital

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How to Optimize Your Website for Leads and Sales—These 5 Easy Ways

To get more leads and sales from your website, you can’t just haphazardly throw it out there and expect it to work.

You need a plan.

Every page—every piece of content—needs a specific reason for being. They need to support the goal of your website.

The copy, design, and visuals should guide the visitor to their next step, or the call-to-action.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of a low-performing website or start a new site off on the right foot; start with these five ways.

These are the low-hanging fruit when it comes to increasing leads and sales from your website.

  • Have a specific purpose for each page
    Each page on your website should be there to do one thing. It can be something like informing your visitor, building trust, and driving a specific action.
  • Have a desired action for each page
    Decide what action you want your visitors to take after reading each page. Do you want them to fill out a form? Sign up for a free offer? Should this page lead the visitor to another page?
  • Ask the visitor to do something on each page
    Every page on your site should have a clear call to action. No matter the purpose of the page; it should ask the user to do something. But make sure it’s only one thing. A site littered with calls to action reeks of desperation and can have the opposite effect. If you give people too many options their default action is to do nothing.
  • Plan the visitor’s journey through your website
    People might land on individual blog posts through search engines. Or they might land on random pages through links from other sites. Make sure every page leads visitors to what they’re looking for. And, make sure each page provides a clear path to your call to action.
  • Provide clear, simple navigation
    Keep your site navigation simple and uncluttered. Only the most important pages should be there (and no, every page is not the most important page). Avoid mega-menus and complex drop-downs; they’re bad for accessibility and are hard to use for people who rely on assistive technologies.

This might seem like a lot. But paying attention to just these few things puts you waaaay ahead of most website owners.

With a strategic, non-haphazard site, you’ll be well on your way to a website you’re proud of, and one that works to get you the results you want.