Frontera Digital

Two men planning with post-it notes

Why You Need a Content Plan for a Successful Website

If content is going to be part of your marketing strategy, you need to chart your path well in advance. Way before you write a single word.

Publishing regular content, that your visitors actually want to read, works way better than publishing random inconsistent content.

It’s helpful when there’s a method to the madness!

So think about your goals, objectives, and audience.

Here are a few reasons why a content plan is so important, and some ways it can help you that you might not have thought about.

Improved user experience

Think about a time you went to a website you thought had information you were looking for, but didn’t. Or a website that mislead you with a deceptive title that promised something it didn’t deliver.

You probably don’t have to think hard.

It probably happened to you today!

How did it feel to have your time wasted? Probably not great.

When you think about the people who visit your website—and make an effort to meet their needs—you relieve them of hassle and improve their experience.

Also, when you write content for a specific type of person, you make it easy for people who don’t fit the description to look elsewhere. Eliminating wasted time for both.

Clear business case and objectives

Ask yourself why you’re creating content.

Is it to boost brand awareness, generate leads, convert users, attract past customers, improve search ranking results, or something else altogether?

When you think about the goal you’re trying to achieve it will help you decide what to—and what not to—write about.

For example, if you were trying to boost brand awareness you could write a series of articles about:

  • Company history
  • Core values
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Team
  • Etc.

If you wanted to generate leads you could write articles that help solve common problems your customers have. Rather than just claiming to be an expert, write content that proves it.

By helping people solve problems, you prove you’re a great choice if they’re looking for someone to hire.

Remember; most people don’t actually want to do the work themselves. They want someone else to do it for them.

Show them you’re that person!

Clear target audience

To achieve your goals; you’ll have to think about the specific types of people you need to reach.

You’ll have to clarify who you’re writing to.

Creating content is easier when you know your target audience.

Better SEO

There’s evidence to suggest search engines give priority to sites that are updated regularly.

They also give a higher ranking to a site when people spend more time there. It’s a sign to the search engines that the content is good and people enjoy the site.

Develop a plan—use it to create high-quality, engaging content that you update regularly—and you’ll be on your way to better rankings in search engines.

Better results

If you don’t set goals or make decisions, you move forward aimlessly. With no way of knowing if you hit your target. Unable to make adjustments.

It’s a recipe for frustration and disappointment. It doesn’t work.

With a clear goal, target audience, and a regular publishing schedule you’ll get better results.

Goals and decisions give you a foundation to work from. And you can adjust as necessary.


All of this planning and writing is a lot of work. But it’s worth it. You’ll build a business asset that’ll grow in value over time.

By addressing common questions and concerns in your content, your website will become the online salesperson it’s supposed to be.

It’s a scalable strategy and can help automate part of your sales process. Instead of you wasting time answering the same questions over and over again.

It won’t happen overnight. But I hope you see the benefits of developing a content plan and writing strategic content.